For Website Ranking On SEO, Every self-respecting SEO specialist knows what needs to be done in order to get to the top lines of search results. Do you know what actions do not really have any effect on the site’s position on Google? I also want to talk about this in this article.
☑️ Domain Age
It is believed that older sites are ranked higher than younger ones. Yes, it may be so – but not because the site is 5-7 years old, but because the site managed to acquire a good reputation, various links, etc. during its existence. – all those that directly affect the Website Ranking On SEO.
But the domain registration date itself does not affect. Therefore, even if the site was created six months or a year ago, it already has a chance to get to the top. But what is important to remember – search bots are pickier about younger sites: they check to see if the site has poor-quality link mass or duplicates – and getting under the filter for new sites is easier than old ones.
☑️ The number of likes and reposts of pages
Now it’s hard to find a page without the ability to report to one of the social networks. Many people put such counters because it is fashionable and modern; others are confident that this will help search engine promotion. But in fact, the very number of reposts and likes does not affect the Website Ranking On SEO – the subsequent actions of users who saw the repost affect it. Therefore, having sharing buttons on a site is useful, but buying reposts and likes are not.
☑️ What is the site created on
For the Google bot, it doesn’t matter which technologies are used on the site. The main thing is still the content that users see – and which are crawled by search bots. Of course, there are engines more sharpened for SEO, but there are fewer ones – that’s why the concept of “SEO-friendly CMS” appeared. This does not mean that Google will somehow especially highlight the site on this engine – just a system will help optimize the site for promotion: you can use meta tags and CNC, caching (to increase the speed of the site), etc. All this has a positive effect on SEO, but the engine itself does not evaluate Google separately as a positive or negative factor for Website Ranking On SEO.
☑️ Type of hosting for Website Ranking On SEO
Google doesn’t care where you place the site – like on shared hosting or on your own separate server. As long as this does not affect the speed of the site and its availability. Therefore, choose the type of hosting and tariff, based on the load and other characteristics, and not in the hope of getting a higher place in the search results and improve Website Ranking On SEO.
☑️ The number of pages on the site
All the same Google spokesman that there is no direct relationship between the number of pages on the site and its place in the search results. Here, again, you need to understand that more pages are more content, articles, more internal links, and other elements useful for optimization. That is, it makes no sense to artificially increase the number of pages just for ranking, but there is an increase in the number of useful content.
☑️ Displaying the site in the Knowledge Network and the answer block
The Knowledge Graph is displayed when searching for information about an item in the form of brief information about that item. And the answer block appears if the user asked some question (and Google found what answer can be offered to him). The very display of a site in such an area does not affect the site’s position in the search – it’s just that this site turned out to be the most relevant for this request.
And, by the way, there is one caveat: when receiving information directly in the search engine, the user then does not go to the site that provided this information. That is, when a site falls into, for example, an answer block, it is honorable, but … deprives the site of potential visitors. Therefore, there is a advice: do not immediately post all the information, but leave something for which the user can access your site.
☑️ Indexing all pages
Webmasters are worried if Google doesn’t index all pages on their site. However, in reality, if not all pages are in the index, this is normal. If the Googlebot sees that the site has two pages, the content of which is very similar, then it can add to the index only the page that has better and more useful materials.
☑️ Error 404
It is generally accepted that the presence of pages with a 404 error negatively affects the indexing and ranking of a site in search engines. However, Google specialist Gary Lilies states that those 404 errors entail any sanctions for the site.
A certain logic can be traced in this, because if the 404 error really affected SEO, it would be possible to easily sink a competitor’s site using non-existent links.John Muller also stated that Google bots do not pay attention to links that do not lead anywhere; broken links in no way affect the ranking, even if there will be a lot of them.
However, do not forget that even if 404 errors do not affect the ranking, they can be negatively perceived by visitors, so it’s better to get rid of broken links anyway.
☑️ A long list of keywords
There is still an opinion that, firstly, you need to include the maximum number of keywords in the tag, and secondly, you need to place the maximum number of keywords on the page. Both of these are incorrect: the search bots no longer attach much importance to the tag, and the bot will count a large number of words on the page (and the tag, by the way, too) as oversaturation and spam. Therefore, here you need to remember the rule that more is not better.
Usually it is recommended to make the density of keywords at 5% – that is, keywords should be in the region of 5% of the entire text on the page. A smaller number can lead to a decrease in relevance, and a larger one can lead to spam.
☑️ Paid advertising
Finally, there is an opinion that paid advertising can increase the position of the site in organic issuance. However, she did not find any confirmation in practice. Marketers working with Google noted that the position of their sites in the search results did not change, even though they spent several thousand dollars on advertising.
These 10 myths are not the only myths that exist in the SEO field. Some SEO-specialists still follow the rules that have already lost their relevance – in the world of search engines, everything changes very quickly. Therefore, follow the latest information in the official blogs of companies, try and draw conclusions.