What is on-page SEO?
Another name for on-page SEO is on-site SEO. The job of on-page SEO is to make all kinds of content in a web page user friendly and search engine friendly. Properly optimizing the title tag, meta tags and keywords of a web page in particular is what we know as on-page SEO.
Suppose you have a blog. In order to keep that blog active online, first you have to create a good quality theme. Then upload that blog to your hosting server. Finally you have published the post by sharing the content on the blog.
The first thing to do when creating a blog here is to do some on-page SEO work within the theme of a blog. Then you have to buy a good quality hosting to keep the speed of the blog good. Lastly, when writing a post on a blog, you have to do on-page SEO to make the search engine and user friendly, including the content of the post. Basically all these things are the work of on page SEO.
The definition of on-page SEO is simply that all the SEO work that is done inside (not outside) a website is called on-page SEO. To put it more simply, this type of SEO work is done on the inside of the website by keeping a website on, hence it is called on-page SEO.
On page SEO is a big part of search engine optimization (SEO) . When it comes to search engine optimization for a blog / website, there are two important things to follow. One is on-page optimization and the other is off-page optimization. Today we will discuss in detail about on-page optimization as well as share some important techniques to get on the first page of search engine through on-page optimization.
We all know that on page SEO is to make all the internal structures of the blog suitable for search engines. On-page SEO is a process of getting position in search engine by properly optimizing the title tag, meta tag, keyword and good quality content of the blog. When you can do these things properly, you can feel that the on page optimization of your blog is complete.
How to do on-page SEO?
As I said before, on-page SEO is a process of setting up internal title tags, meta tags, keywords, good quality content, etc. of a blog. Basically, the search engine is a kind of software. It’s like a human brain that can’t understand anything. He understands what is meant by giving him commands.
In this case, if the search engine can not give the command according to its proper rules, the search engine ignores a blog/website because it does not understand correctly. That’s why search engines need to do On-Page SEO in the right way to properly understand the importance of all the topics of your blog. Only if you can do all the on-page SEO of the blog properly, then you can expect your blog post to get on the first page of the search engine. Below we will discuss some important On-Page SEO topics.
1. Post title optimized
The most important part of on-page SEO is to optimize the title of the post. About 40% of the visitors to a blog from search engines depend on the post title. Because the title of the post is a summary of the subject matter of the post. Content is undoubtedly the king of SEO but following the title is the content of the post.
If an author can write interesting post titles that match the subject matter of the post, then I think the rest of the internal SEO of the blog post can be maintained very easily. A beautiful and optimized blog post title is able to attract the attention of any search engine robot.
When writing a post title, keep in mind that the keyword that you will write the post after the target, you must try to put the keyword at the beginning of the title of the post. The earlier your targeted keyword is in the title, the more likely it is that your post will rank in search engines. Take a look at the 3-page titles in the image above, and tell yourself which title looks best to you.
The right rules for optimizing page titles:
- Be sure to include the main keyword of the post in the title.
- Try to put targeted keywords at the beginning of the post.
- Post titles should be between 50-60 characters.
- The main keyword in the title should be refrained from using more than once.
- Write user-friendly (meaningful) titles.
You can use colon (:) and hyphen (-) in the title.
2. Permalink Structure of the post
Just as a post’s well-structured URL will look beautiful, it can also carry a lot of importance to search engines. You need to create the Permalink of the post in line with the topic you are posting. Because if the Permalink of the post matches the important keywords of the post, then the search query is more likely to come in a good position of the search results. Many people write a kind of URL without giving any importance to this issue.
For example – you are doing a post about on-page SEO. If you enter the URL of your post with www.bloggerbangladesh.com/ post78, then search engines will not understand anything about the subject of the post from the URL of the post. On the other hand, if the structure of the URL is www.bloggerbangladesh.com/ on-page-seo, then search engines will easily understand that the post is written with on-page SEO.
The correct rules for creating a permalink:
- Url must have the main keyword.
- Url should be shortened (2020 update).
- Write constructive URL.
- Must use a hyphen (-) after each word in the URL.
- The link should refrain from using numbers.
3. Use the original keyword in the first paragraph
You must use your original keyword within 100 keywords in the first paragraph of your desired post. Also, try to keep other keywords related to the original keyword. Because Google search engine evaluates the first paragraph of the post seriously.
See the image above, here I used the keyword associated with my targeted keyword at the beginning of the post. Then I used the original keyword as well as made the keyword bold. Also, I have put some more keywords in the first paragraph. In this way, if you write the first paragraph, Google can easily understand the subject of a post.
4. Posting Heading Tags
Usually, the various important heading tags of the blog are written in H1, H2, H3 and H4 formats. These types of heading tags are very important in search engine optimization.
When you write a post, the most important heading tag in the post will be in the form of H1. Because the H1 tag of any blog is more important to search engines than other heading tags. Then the rest of the headings will be H2, H3 and H4 will be used gradually.
The correct rules for writing post tags:
- The title of the post must be H1.
- A post will have only one H1.
- The important keyword of the post should be written in H2.
- Important sub-headings should be written between H3 and H4.
- Need to refrain from writing additional tags.
5. Internal Linking
When you write a new post on a topic, you can link a couple of other posts related to the post with different keywords as anchor text. Although this will not be able to bring you, visitors, directly from search engines, but visitors from other search engines or other blog posts will be able to increase Page View by staying longer.
Moreover, it will take the internal backlink of your blog home. However, refrain from linking to any post that does not match the new post. If you link to any keywords unnecessarily, search engine bots may take your links as spam. That’s why when you create an internal link, it should match the new post and keywords.
6. Meta Description
Meta Description is one of the most important meta tags available today. Because after the post title of the blog, the search engine gives importance to Meta Description. When someone searches for a topic in a search engine, the search engine first looks at the title of the post as well as the meta description. In this case, if the keyword of the searcher is found in the title or meta description, then the posts of your blog can easily appear on the first page of the search results.
For that, the meta description of the post must be consistent with the content of your post and important keywords. I have seen many good blogs who have copied the title of the post and set it as Meta Description without giving any importance to the Meta Description tag of the blog. In this case, your meta description can not be of any importance to search engines.
The correct rules for writing a meta description:
- Meta Description must have targeted keywords.
- It is not right to use more than 150 keywords.
- Try to write meaningful sentences without just writing keywords.
- The title and meta description are not the same.
7. Image Optimization
Image is an important part of a blog post. Using Image in a blog post can give readers a clear idea about any topic. There are some posts that it is not possible to give a clear idea to the readers without using Image. On the other hand, search engines also bring all the images in your blog to the search results separately.
As you can see, there is a tab called Image in the Google search results. Clicking there can get many images of the desired topic. If you write the images of the blog in search engine friendly, then there is a possibility of getting many visitors from that image. Image of the blog can be optimized through various Alt Tag and Caption. We have already shared a detailed post on how to optimize the image of the post. If you read the post, you will know all the issues of Image Optimization.
8. Writing big posts
There was a time when Google would suggest to share the post without making it bigger. But recently Google itself is saying that in order to rank a post, you have to write a big article. So you will try to write a large post with at least 1 to 2 thousand keywords. Moreover, if you want to rank a post with high difficulty keywords, you must write a larger post. So the bigger the post you can write at the moment, the faster your post will rank in the Google search engine.
9. Written by modifying the title
Brian Dean, an SEO expert at popular SEO blog Backlinko, suggested mutilating the title. I found his trick quite good. According to him, if the title of the post is modified to make it interesting, both search engines and readers like to read the post to see the title.
For example, adding “Best”, “Top”, “Famous”, “Guide”, “Complete Guide”, “Review”, “Helpful” etc. to the title of the post makes the post more interesting to look at and can catch the reader’s eye. So you can follow Brian Dean’s SEO trick to modify the title.
The correct rules for modifying the title Example :
-Best WordPress Tools.
-Top Famous WordPress Tools.
-Complete Guide to using the best WordPress tools.
10. Page speed
According to Google, if a website is not able to fully load in 3 seconds, then that website loses 30% of visitors. This means that if the loading time of the website is more than 3 seconds, one out of every three visitors gets annoyed. So loading time is a big issue for SEO.
Page speed is a ranking factor of Google. If the speed of your website is low, you will lose visitors as well as ranking will fall behind. The Google algorithm is designed to blacklist a visitor if he or she is unable to access the website. You can test the speed of your blog/website from Google Page Speed Tools and Gtmetrix.Com.
Rules for increasing page speed:
- Use medium-sized compressed images.
- Need to buy good hosting.
- You can use good quality CDN.
- Using CSS style instead of images in the theme.
- Using Cache Plugin for WordPress.
11. Keyword Density
Keyword density is how many times a word is in a post on your blog. Suppose you have 100 words on a page of a website, and if the keyword is found 5 times in that 100 words, then it can be said that 5 times the keyword has been used and the keyword density is 5%.
It is a bit difficult to say exactly what the keyword density of a page should be. However, I think the keyword density of a website should usually be between 5-6%. Remember that it is not good to keep keyword density too high and it is not good to keep it too low.
12. Quality content
Brilliant content of a blog is able to take the top position in search results without search engine optimization (SEO). And if one can do Proper SEO along with good quality content, then there is no need to worry about blog traffic. For in the search engines in the proverb ” A Brilliant Content is King for all SEO “.
If you can always give a Unique Content in your blog and can share, for the Internet since been written or too low has been shared, then this topic, Even if you don’t do SEO, your topic will be at the top of the search results.
We have tried our best to give you an easy idea about the most important aspects of On Page SEO. I believe that if you continue blogging by following all the above points properly, anyone will be able to reach the edge of success by getting enough visitors to the blog from the search engine in a few days. If anyone has any questions or concerns about this, you can let us know in the comments. Because we prefer to give any solution through questions.